Japan Times, Aug 5, 2024 The health ministry is considering expanding the availability of the country's first approved abortion pill, the Mefeego pill pack, to allow clinics without inpatient facilities to use it.Currently, the medication …
It will be one year on April 28th since the oral abortion drug MephigoPac was approved, but only 3% of the 4176 medical institutions (in 2000) with doctors designated under the Maternal Protection Act are able to use it. According to Yomiu…
MHLW VITAL STATISTICS Director-General for Statistics,Information Policy and Industrial Relations Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare JAPAN https://www.mhlw.go.jp/english/database/db-hw/vs01.html References: https://www.mhlw.go.jp/engli…
The following is a provisional translation into Japanese of "Section 7: From Rights to Justice" contained in "Chapter 6: Reproductive Health and Rights as Human Rights" of Kumi Tsukahara's 2012 book "Abortion Technology and Reproductive Ri…
Japanese people ignorant of human rights Human Rights in 2018: A Global Advisor Survey© 2018 IpsosA survey on human rights awareness conducted by Ipsos in 2018 for 28 countries. We were surprised to find that Japanese people's "human right…
Nikkei Asia, ALICE FRENCH, Nikkei staff writer, December 2, 2023 15:50 JST asia.nikkei.com
The Asahi Shimbun, By KAZUYA GOTO/ Staff Writer, November 29, 2023 at 15:28 JST www.asahi.com :title]
This "training note" and "Safe Abortion Procedures, "a material for press roundatable, are treasure trove of information on abortion methods in Japan For those who don't read Japanese, please use these translations for "Training Note" and …
In response to an inquiry from an foreign researcher I'll publish my email response here as well. In Japan, abortion is in principle a crime under the Penal Code, but abortion under 22 weeks of pregnancy is permitted under certain conditio…
ARJC Asia & Pacific Regional Webinar: Challenges in Reproductive Justice around Asia and the Pacific held on November 17, 2023 Presentation manuscript by Kumi Tsukahara PhD Thank you very much for inviting me today. I am Kumi Tsukahara. I’…
BBC BBC Exposes a Series of Assaults www.bbc.com Announced name change yesterday - How will victims be treated? https://abcnews.go.com/Business/wireStory/johnnys-smile-japanese-music-company-hit-sex-abuse-103651078
Japan Times, by Kathleen Benoza, 2003, Septmber 28 www.japantimes.co.jpMain Texts: As the world observes International Safe Abortion Day on Thursday, there is growing focus on the movement in Japan for safe and accessible abortion practice…
Open access 2023/4/24 www.openaccessgovernment.orgI didn't know this article uses my comments without my knowledge. Kumi Tsukahara, director of the Reproductive Health Rights Literacy Institute, said: “Being able to control one’s own pregn…
Institute of Comparative Law, February 2023 Abortion and Spousal Consent in Japan Yu SHUNDO (Research Associate, School of Law)
Special Report on Japan’s approval in 2023 of abortion pills : three reports ICWRSA Japan Special Report1. Japan’s crawl towards medical abortion: Why was Japan the last of the G8 countries to approve mifepristone? by Marion Ulmann 2. What…
TOKYO/GENEVA (4 August 2023) – UN experts today commended Japan’s commitment to implement the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), and urged the government to address deeply embedded unfair gender and social norms to…
Japan's abortion situations-- Past, Present, and Future Linepharma's Mefeego Pack, containing one Mifepristone and four Misoprostol tablets, has been called "Japan's first oral abortion pill. "Japan's first abortion pill" was Preglandin (i…
I received a response from the MHLW, but...... The abortion drug Mefeego Pack, approved in Japan, has been designated a "deleterious drug" by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare. According to them, Mifepristone and Misopros…
My report In Japan, the Mefeego Pack, a combi-product of one Mifepristone and four Misoprostol tablets, was launched on May 16, 2023, and the Japan Women's Foundation's Dr. Miho Uchida's clinic began offering "oral abortion pills" for the …
One of the misteries that occationally happens in MHLW sites The site I could find easily yesterday suddenly disappeared! It was a product information of MEFEEGO Pack with the sign of "Deleterious product." I searched the site of the Minis…
Original Note by Kumi Tsukahara On Approval of Mefeego Pack to Japan - What We Can Learn from the Experience of Preglandin Suppository, the Only Approved 2nd-trimester Abortion Drug in This Nation Transvaginal Abortion Suppository Seen as …
No one reported anywhere that it was approved as a deleterious drug bnn.network
For more available, accessible and affordable abortion pills! #Action for Safer Abortion (ASAJ) issued a request on May 8, 2023 to the following people and held a press conference on the same day at 11:00 am. This is a private, tentative t…
Explanation of the abortion methods by Japan Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists What if the abortion procedure? - JAOGThis is my personal translation from original Japanese version. Question: What is the abortion procedure? An…
Here is an excerpt from the monthly message on May 7 from Tomoko Saotome MD., PhD., the president of the Professional Women's Coalition for Sexuality and Health in Japan. On April 28, the Japanese government finally approved the oral abort…
Press Release Material still published and referred by media and clinics Here is my translation of the MHLW's press release material in 2004. The original material is in Japanese. https://www.mhlw.go.jp/houdou/2004/10/h1025-5.html October …
The notice issued by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare on April 28, 2023 on the newly approved oral abortion drug, Mefeego Pack Important Points to Keep in Mind When Using Mifepristone and Misoprostol Products (Request)To the Dire…
The announcement made by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan on April 28, 2023 for the newly approved abortion drug, Mefeego Pack Proper Use of the So-Called Oral Abortion Drug “Mefeego Pack” Since only designated doctors u…
The Mainichi April 28, 2023 (Mainichi Japan) Mefeego Pack approved as 1st abortion pill in Japan - The MainichiTOKYO (Kyodo) -- Japan's health ministry approved Friday for the first time the sale of an oral abortion pill, giving women in e…
Japan Times BY KATHLEEN BENOZA, Apr 21, 2023 www.japantimes.co.jpMy comments are scattered in the article: …… Kumi Tsukahara, director of the Reproductive Health Rights Literacy Institute, said the decision was positive in terms of putting…