Abortion in Japan

Memorandums and information about abortion situations and problems in Japan

Entries from 2021-03-01 to 1 month

There have been countless cases in which victims of domestic violence give birth unwillingly because they have been unable to obtain the consent to abortion from their husbands.

Japan Today japantoday.com

Japanese Women No Longer Need Spousal Consent for Abortions – If They Were Abused

VICE World News, Mar. 16, 2021 In Japan, a woman used to need her husband’s permission to have an abortion even if he had raped her.By Hanako Montgomerywww.vice.com

No consent from spouse needed for abortion in broken marriages in Japan: ministry


No consent from spouse needed for abortion in broken marriages in Japan: ministry

The Mainichi No consent from spouse needed for abortion in broken marriages in Japan: ministryMarch 15, 2021 (Mainichi Japan)Translation from Japanese version TOKYO -- Japan's health ministry has spelled out new administration guidelines t…

Japan's media urged to address gender imbalance after Olympic sexism uproar


Ninshin in Japan

Pregnancy in Japan Ninshin in Japan This website offers information on pregnancy and childbirth in Japan, specifically for foreigners in Kumamoto such as technical interns and international students. If you need help with an unplanned preg…