Abortion in Japan

Memorandums and information about abortion situations and problems in Japan

Entries from 2024-01-01 to 1 year

Japan's health ministry considers wider availability for abortion pill

Japan Times, Aug 5, 2024 The health ministry is considering expanding the availability of the country's first approved abortion pill, the Mefeego pill pack, to allow clinics without inpatient facilities to use it.Currently, the medication …

Abortion pills: 724 users in the first half year of approval, 14 patients with complications but no serious cases

It will be one year on April 28th since the oral abortion drug MephigoPac was approved, but only 3% of the 4176 medical institutions (in 2000) with doctors designated under the Maternal Protection Act are able to use it. According to Yomiu…


MHLW VITAL STATISTICS Director-General for Statistics,Information Policy and Industrial Relations Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare JAPAN https://www.mhlw.go.jp/english/database/db-hw/vs01.html References: https://www.mhlw.go.jp/engli…

Partial translation of my book, "Abortion Technology and Reproductive Rights" (2012)

The following is a provisional translation into Japanese of "Section 7: From Rights to Justice" contained in "Chapter 6: Reproductive Health and Rights as Human Rights" of Kumi Tsukahara's 2012 book "Abortion Technology and Reproductive Ri…