Abortion in Japan

Memorandums and information about abortion situations and problems in Japan

Entries from 2021-05-01 to 1 month

Statement on the Abandonment of a Child on the Day after Birth Action for Safe AbortionJapan (ASAJ)

Statement of ASAJ, of the International Safe Abortion Day Project Japan on May 31, 2021 This is the translation of the Statement on the Abandonment of a Child on the Day after Birth, by Action for Safe Abortion Japan https://2020-japan.web…

50% of people in Japan 'had no sex' in March-May 2020: survey


Japan's Cabinet Office distributes gender-neutral illustrations to dispel stereotypes


Expanding access to safe abortions in Japan

https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/05/02/national/japan-safe-abortion/Partially quoted. Expanding access to safe abortions in JapanBY MAGDALENA OSUMI, STAFF WRITER, JAPAN TIMES May 2, 2021Choosing to get an abortion is not an easy deci…